To register for this bootcamp, simply fill in your details and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
August 5th 2024 - August 29th 2024
[group ng-group] [/group] [group uk-group] [/group]
Emergency contact information
Emergency contact phone number
How old are you?
Gender --Select Option--MaleFemalePrefer not to say
Does the participant have any medical conditions we should be aware of? --Select Option--YesNo
How did you hear about this bootcamp? --Select Option--Social MediaFriend/ColleagueAdvertisementOthers
[group group-60 clear_on_hide]
Please Specify
What is your current level of experience with HTML? --Select Option--BeginnerIntermediateAdvanced
What is your current level of experience with CSS? --Select Option--BeginnerIntermediateAdvanced
What are your main goals for attending this bootcamp?
Do you have any special requirements or questions?
Do you have a laptop and good internet connection? YesNo