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Instructor Application Form

To apply, simply fill in your details and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

    First Name

    Last Name

    Email Address




    Years of Experience in Tech Industry

    Areas of Expertise

    Briefly describe your teaching experience

    Educational Background (Highest degree obtained and major)

    Include relevant certifications (Optional)

    Describe your experience developing online course materials (Optional)

    If yes, list the platforms you're familiar with (Optional)

    Describe your teaching style and approach (Optional)

    How would you ensure student engagement in an online learning environment?

    Hourly rate or Salary expectations

    Please upload your resume or CV

    Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your qualifications or interest in teaching for our institute? (Optional)

    Do you have a portfolio or website showcasing your teaching or technical expertise? (Optional)

    By submitting this application, you agree to background checks.